Everything about us

Quality Transportation Services

YK Transport is an trucking company headquartered in Winnipeg, Manitoba and serving all provinces including: Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and Quebec. YK Transport has been providing the finest quality trucking service in the Manitoba region.

Our reputation for fast and efficient transportation is testimonial to our dedication to being the best trucking company in the inter modal dray-age industry. We utilize a diverse and loyal group of experienced owner-operator truck drivers who bring a wealth of knowledge and dedication to our trucking operations. We also employ a core group of company truck drivers who operate our state of the art, late-model, MMF branded fleet of trucks which consists of sleeper and day-cab trucks.

A team that Delivers on time.

On the office and administration side our team is the best in the business. They know first-hand what it takes to manage a successful inter modal dray-age trucking operation. Our dispatchers are conscious of all the needs of our truck drivers, the requirements at the specific CN, Pacific and VIA Railroad terminals in the country and the requirements of each of our specific customers. Having a broad range of experience both as truck drivers themselves and as inter modal dispatchers provides them with the skills and knowledge to balance all of the various requirements for each shipment.

Client Testimonials

  • Awesome company. Very Friendly people and very careful about their customers and employees.
    Kevin Perry
  • This is the best trucking company. System is great and customer service is phenomenal. Drivers are friendly and go above and beyond to deliver or pick up freight. Keep up the good work.
    Brandon Ross
  • I’m working here as a company driver , since last 4 years and very happy, I strongly recommend peace transportation for all east coast and west coast runs.
    Tony Johnson